A blog about a Blog

Back in December I felt like God had laid something on my heart; the idea of beauty in this intricate world. I started by blogging the different things that God was showing me about myself in that month without a mirror. My blog started as a God-thing, just a message from a girl who wanted to have our King's eyes. But, I feel like since then my blog went from the eyes of the King in beauty to a blog that I tried too hard to write. Since that blog I feel like I've lost the people who I wanted to reach. However, recently I wrote a blog titled "fatherless but not Fatherless" and I felt like that was something that God really gave me His eyes to see how the loss of my father worked in my life. I saw that that blog reached more people than the blogs I tried to write just because I felt like I needed to post something. I prayed and God showed me that I should, from here on out, post my story as an inspiration to those who read it. For years I have wanted to use my sadness and hurt for the inspiration in people. I pray that this blog will be nothing more than a light and a hope for those on the other side of the screen. And above all else I pray that my blog will help those who want to see that God is all-loving and His hands are working in their lives, even when they can't see it. 

Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."


  1. this is one of my favorite verses :) You inspire me every single day.... I want you to know that you are such a precious soul in my world and the Lord has given me the gift of your friendship at such a perfect time. Oh, look at that....In His perfect timing! Thank you for your love and prayers. You mean so much to me <3


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