Let's Uncover our Victims

Human Trafficking (a.k.a modern day slavery). 35.8 million men, women, and children have been sold into sex slavery around the world. Out of all of these victims 80% are women and 50% are children (teens). Sex slavery generates $32 billion, and each victim costs about $90. 100,000 teens and 17,000 foreign victims in the United States alone. And 800 foreign victims in OHIO. Yes, I said in Ohio. Many people think that human trafficking is a problem overseas in poverty stricken countries, however, let me get your attention with this statistic; AMERICA IS THE SECOND LARGEST HUMAN TRAFFICKING LOCATION IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. We would be safer to live somewhere else. This is happening within hours of your hometown, and maybe in your own neighborhood, so it's time that we stop closing our eyes to their silent cries! So, I want to educate you with some things that I learned today in Columbus.

Human Traffickers do NOT just simply snatch and grab their victims and take off. Logically that would make no sense, and they know that. However, they get close with their victims. They find kids that have voids that need to be filled and they fill them. They give the victim all their greatest hopes and dreams and once the trust is built they take their victims. Many times they use children around their age, or offer a relationship with the victim to make them feel wanted.

If you have guns and drugs in your hometown there IS human trafficking! This is where the highest demand and highest risk for sex slavery. These three things go hand-in-hand. Keep your eyes open!

Steps that have been taken
-Safe Harbor Act (2012): Sex trafficking victims (minors) will be treated as victims, NOT perpetrators. Prior to this act under age sex slaves were arrested and thrown into juvenile detention, asked to testify against their seller and were moved elsewhere for their "safety". Now, they are assured to be helped back into society. They are given opportunity and help!
-Before 2014 sex with under age children was a HUGE offence, unless there was an exchange for money. In that case it was a misdemeanor. NOW: Even with an exchange of money it is now a felony!
○They have expensive things even though you know they can't afford it. 
○They won't let you meet their boyfriend / girlfriend.
○They are missing blocks of time (i.e. class, work etc.).
○Relentless fear or overly submissive.
○No identification
○Young with untreated health problems (STD's, HIV/AIDS, Physically injury etc.)
○Accompanied by a controlling person that does all the talking
○Language or cultural barriers
Questions to ask
*Can you come and go as you please?
*Do you owe your boss money?
*Do you need to ask permission to eat/sleep/go to the bathroom?
*Did someone take your identification?
*Do you get mail?

{If you think someone is being human trafficked please call 1(888)373-7888 even if you're wrong!}
To learn more visit http://sharedhope.org/
Proverbs 31:8
"Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable."


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