"I Chose You"

"Although she was abandoned by her earthly family, she rested in
the knowledge that her Heavenly Father never would
leave" ~Samantha Evilsizer, Encouragement for Today

We all grew up different ways. Some of us had two parents, and some of us had a single parent. Some of us had ten siblings, and some of us had none. Some of us grew up in a loving household, and some of us grew up feeling abandoned. For me, I spent most of my life feeling inadequate. Feeling not enough to be chosen. Feeling not worth it. And if I'm honest, it has affected most (if not all) of my relationships. I grew up being a "One foot out of the door" kind of person. You know, the person that leaves before they are left. When I was saved, I was still so guarded. I knew that God loved me more than I could understand, but I still had the fear and hurt of abandonment which only grew as I got older.

When I was saved at the age of seven I didn't realize that with God I didn't need to be that person anymore. All I needed to do was rest in the fact that He is a forever person. One that won't leave when times get tough. One that wants me. One that has chosen me.

Today during devotions God lead me to John 15:1-17. In this it talks about God being the Vine and us being the branches. How we need Him, but He really doesn't need us. You see? A vine doesn't need branches to do anything, however branches need a Vine to do everything. In His sovereign grace He has chosen us. He chose our past, present and future. He has chosen us sinful, selfish, unworthy people to bring Him glory. To lead others to Him. To have the freedom of calling Him and having the Creator of the universe before us ready to listen to our every need.

To me, the most radical verse in scripture in my life to this day is in verse seventeen where it says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you ." This amazes me every time I read it. HE. CHOSE. ME. Woah. I can not wrap my head around that fact. The One who could paint the most beautiful sunset by His own hands chose me. The One who could cast the Northern Lights within seconds chose me. The One who has overcome death chose me. How amazing is that?

This verse reminds me that I am not coming from victim but from victory. It reminds me that my past does not make me worthless. It reminds me that though I may have felt abandoned in the past that I am not what I am called, I am what I answer to.  Abandoned does not define me. Chosen. Loved. Redeemed. Worthy. and Free. Describe me.

{God has chosen me, and that is more than enough.}
I am not alone - Kari Jobe 
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."


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