He Delights in Our Joy

So I have posted a million (or at least what seems like a million) status' about my opportunity to serve a camp. It amazes me to watch something I have prayed for for eleven years unfold in front of me this weekend. I am overwhelmed, overjoyed, and any other "over___" word you can think of.

I think so often we think of this God in heaven who sees all the things you like or love and says "Muahahaha I'm going to do the opposite! Joke's on them. Who are they to ask Me ____?!" When that couldn't be further from the truth. I was at a conference in Kentucky a few months back where I went to a class where the speaker said, "If you wait for a perfectly pure moment to go on mission you will never go. We wait for a moment when God says 'I want you to go to (the opposite of what you want)'. If it's something you love, go, pursue it and if God doesn't want you there, don't worry, He will shut the door." Woah. That hit me hard. Last summer I didn't pursue being a camp counselor for so many reasons; I didn't feel equipped (a huge reason), I was scared to talk about my story and... The Lord never wrote "Devon, I want you to be a counselor" in the stars. So of course He couldn't have wanted me there. When the truth is that I never gave Him the opportunity to shut the door if He didn't want me there because I never went forward to grab the doorknob.

The first person I called after I found out was my grandma. I was in tears because I couldn't believe that when I reached forward with something I loved and handed it to the One who loves me that He gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. I remember my grandma being just as overjoyed as I was and her saying, "Can you imagine the joy the Lord must have right now? He probably delighted so deeply in giving you something that you have such a passion for." Let me tell you that I have no idea where I would be without her, because she is constantly speaking His truth to me. Needless to say, that made me cry harder thinking that I was overjoyed because I took delight in the Lord and He was overjoyed because He gave me what my heart desired for so long.

It was so amazing to watch play out. A huge desire on my heart was to go to Liberty, but the Lord said, "Wait, I have something far beyond that, something even greater and more fulfilling." In that He kept me here. Where I met an amazing group of Christian friends and I have had the opportunity to grow in Him and make my faith my own. In this waiting, I found my calling, youth ministry. If I would have followed my own path and left like I planned I wonder how long it would have been for me to find what God designed me to do. I wonder if I would even be going to camp this year or if I would have an apartment in Lynchburg. I wonder if I would have found my delight in the Lord or in the attractive guys that are there. When my calling was confirmed from the people around me my desire to be a counselor grew beyond my imagination. But the biggest thing I noticed was once I started delighting in Him, He provided beyond my wildest dreams.

Tonight we talked about Matthew 7:7-8, in this it talks through asking, seeking and knocking. I think so often we (I know I did) get hung up on the asking and give up after it isn't answered so we never reach seeking or knocking. But when we find ourselves in the seeking and the knocking the Lord answers our prayers. He delights in hearing our deepest desires. He delights in seeing us overwhelmed with Joy when our prayers get answered. But even once our prayers are answered we should continue to rejoice Him and come to Him, because one desire being answered is just the start!

Hosanna, in the highest!

It's all About Jesus (breath on a page) - Louie Giglio

(I highly recommend taking time to watch this. Your relationship with Jesus will NEVER be the same!)

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."


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