Be Still...

"One of the most convicting things I have recently come to realize about Jesus is that He was never, not once, in a hurry." -Mark Buchanan

I want to just give you a minute to take in the quote above, because I sure needed a minute...

I don't know about you, but recently I have found myself so overwhelmingly busy. I don't know if my body knows that finals are in a few weeks or what, but no matter how much time I give myself I always feel like I'm in a rush or forgetting something. And, if I'm honest, it has turned me into a cranky brat. I've become the "The car in front is going too slow! The internet isn't working fast enough! My food is taking forever! I'll have to pencil you in." type of person. Exactly what I never wanted to be, the overly booked complainer, but here I am. 
In my "Drive faster, walk faster, load faster, cook faster." lifestyle I find myself missing opportunities. Opportunities I prayed for that morning, because it's against our nature to just be still.

Let's see, the Bible says, "Be still" 7 times in the KJV. Yet, we live in a world where being still or waiting is so uncommon. We have social media, Google, YouTube etc. at our grasp along with a slick 4G phone. Why be still?

This answer is simple, because the Savior of the universe tells us to.
Now, I could just end the blog there. Mic drop. But I won't. 
Being still requires us to take action. Yes, being still and taking action sounds contradictory, but in order to be still we have to give ourselves the opportunity to be still. That can mean not touching your phone for the first 5 minutes of being up so you can be silent before Him. That can mean not listening to music in the car and using that 15 minutes in prayer. That can mean turning your phone off an hour before bed and spending that time to lay down the burdens of the day, and listen. Or a number of other things.
In our walk with Christ, being still is mandatory not optional. To see your relationship with Him flourish You need to come before His throne in humbleness and humility. Not spewing demands or answers, just kneeling before our King in silence, and waiting faithfully on His answer. One of the most popular verses for being still is Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" It is mandatory for us to surrender our own plans for Him to have full control. It is mandatory for us to put aside our pride and remember He is God. It. Is. Mandatory

In being still we are shown God's greatness, and our not-so-greatness. In being still we are reminded how much He sacrificed and how little we sacrifice. In being still we are reminded of His glory forever and ever. 
{He meets us in our stillness, He speaks to us in our silence, & He longs to commune with us daily.}
Be Still my Soul (In You I Rest) - Kari Jobe 

 Psalm 62:5
"For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him."


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