Carried to the Table

I often get asked how I stay so positive even when things are going wrong. I could give you the cliché Christianese answer, "because of Jesus", but I feel like with a Savior so big that that answer is so small. So I am going to explain it through a song that has become so near to my heart.

The other day I was listening to, "Carried to the Table" by Leeland (which is the song I will be ending the blog with) and I was reminded why I can turn my eyes above even if everything seems like it's falling apart below. Part of the chorus sings, "I was carried to the table, seated where I don't belong." Now I'm just going to stop there. I, Devon Timm, a sinner against Christ, was seated with the Creator and Founder of the universe. Not only was I seated, but I was carried to His table so that I can step through pearl gates and walk on streets of gold. Why? Because He chose me to be used as His vessel. Not because He needed me, but because He wanted me.

This chorus is followed up with, "Even in my weakness, the Savior called my name." The Lord didn't and will never abandon me, no matter what I do and don't do right. Instead He intercedes for us when we need it most. And He even intercedes when we don't think we need it. He is forever carrying us through each storm, and all we need to do is to trust that He is using it as a hidden blessing that is beyond our comprehension. And if that means that I have to walk through the trials that He has placed before me, then I will take them with gladness. For I have laid down my life and taken up my cross in expectation that one day that cross will become a crown.

This will forever bring be to tears. If anyone is unworthy of forgiveness, it's me, and yet I can stand before my God forgiven and unashamed. And if the Bible tells me I need to be like Him, that's what I will do. Once you get rid of shame, regret, unforgiveness, bitterness or whatever else you have allowed yourself to become enslaved to the rest comes easily. Because once those aren't on the throne of your heart, the One who was meant to sit there can reclaim His spot and consume you from the inside out.

So, my answer to that question is, when you realize that the One who put breath in your lungs reached down and said "This one is mine." You can't help but let the joy of the Lord be a constant mark on your life. And no matter what, you can't seem to stop rejoicing.

What I have learned throughout my life, my struggles and my heartache is that through it all God is still good. Not only is He good through it all, He is sovereign and provides through it all. His love for us never ends, never fails and never gives up.

Carried to the Table - Leeland

Romans 8:28-30
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified."


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