My Vote
"Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." Romans 13:1.
I'm not one to put politics anywhere or even talk about it much, but I felt like this blog is much needed right now.
As many of you know and can tell, tonight is the presidential debate, if you don't then obviously you haven't been on Facebook for the last five minutes. I only watched a few minutes of the debate that was live streamed over Facebook, and it is scary. We have two people that we have to vote for in a "who is the lesser of the two evil's, Trump or Hillary" election.
For the last two years I wasn't a registered voter. I wanted nothing to do with elections. My thought process was "God knows who will be the next president so my vote doesn't matter." Let me tell you this: if you are still in that thought process, get out of it. Go register. Because this is something we are called to do, not something that we get to sit back and complain about when who we thought should win didn't get in. This nation needs passionate voters, but also passionate wisdom from our Protector, Provider and Prince of Peace.
I have no idea who I am voting for still, and that is something I am praying so deeply about. Because I don't want to vote for one person just because all the "good Christians" are voting for them, and I don't want to vote for the other just because I got sick of thinking about it so I just voted whoever. No! I don't want my vote to be swayed by those around me, but I want it to be firm in my Savior.
So, the reason I am writing this short blog is to plead with you.
I'm pleading you to be on your knees for this nation. I am pleading you to be in prayer for the voters out there that are still unsure. I am pleading you to beg God for wisdom and also for submission. I am pleading for you to be praying for safety for us all, Christians and non-Christians. I am pleading you to be asking God how you can be a light for Him. I am pleading you to stay firm in your faith, even though we know what might be coming next. I am just simply pleading you to not go into this blind. Look into both candidates. Pray over each of them and pray for who you should vote for.
Pray for wisdom, pray for healing and overall pray for God's mercy on our country. Amen.
James 3:17
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
I'm not one to put politics anywhere or even talk about it much, but I felt like this blog is much needed right now.
As many of you know and can tell, tonight is the presidential debate, if you don't then obviously you haven't been on Facebook for the last five minutes. I only watched a few minutes of the debate that was live streamed over Facebook, and it is scary. We have two people that we have to vote for in a "who is the lesser of the two evil's, Trump or Hillary" election.
For the last two years I wasn't a registered voter. I wanted nothing to do with elections. My thought process was "God knows who will be the next president so my vote doesn't matter." Let me tell you this: if you are still in that thought process, get out of it. Go register. Because this is something we are called to do, not something that we get to sit back and complain about when who we thought should win didn't get in. This nation needs passionate voters, but also passionate wisdom from our Protector, Provider and Prince of Peace.
I have no idea who I am voting for still, and that is something I am praying so deeply about. Because I don't want to vote for one person just because all the "good Christians" are voting for them, and I don't want to vote for the other just because I got sick of thinking about it so I just voted whoever. No! I don't want my vote to be swayed by those around me, but I want it to be firm in my Savior.
So, the reason I am writing this short blog is to plead with you.
I'm pleading you to be on your knees for this nation. I am pleading you to be in prayer for the voters out there that are still unsure. I am pleading you to beg God for wisdom and also for submission. I am pleading for you to be praying for safety for us all, Christians and non-Christians. I am pleading you to be asking God how you can be a light for Him. I am pleading you to stay firm in your faith, even though we know what might be coming next. I am just simply pleading you to not go into this blind. Look into both candidates. Pray over each of them and pray for who you should vote for.
Pray for wisdom, pray for healing and overall pray for God's mercy on our country. Amen.
James 3:17
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere."
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