Lord, let There be a Rapture

And just like that, you're halfway through the semester. One part of you is still wishing it was summer while the other part of you is wishing you already had your degree in hand. In this stage you find yourself everywhere but in the present: hoping, wishing and praying for these years to go fast or for the rapture to happen so you don't need to turn in that paper you haven't even started. I'm with you, my friend. I'm running along side you, rushing through life.

But in this rush for the "next big thing" I have found so much discontentment. Why? Because I'm not enjoying the little moments of rehma's that God has been blessing me with in the midst of hundreds of dollars worth of books and thousands worth of college classes. I have found myself so drained that pouring out sometimes is impossible and unappealing. "Sorry, I can't, I need to study.", "I can't wait for the semester to end... for summer to come... for my degree to be completed.. for marriage... for a big kid job... for [insert something 'better' than what God has called you to now here]". If this is you, too, my friend, I am praying hard for you.

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11

Oh, the devil is far wiser than we know.
He knows what grinds our gears, what puts us from the status of: content, to the status of: discontent. And for many of us poor college kids it's just that; being poor and being in college. But let me tell you something that God reminded me this week; as long as I'm in Him and He's in me I will never be poor and never be just a college kid. Oh, no, devil. I am so much more than you lead me on to believe. I'm so much more than late night cramming, and praying that I pass the test. I am a daughter of the King and I am here to be used for His glory and power forever.
So in the midst of the anxieties of midterms and eight week finals I want you to remember where your contentment lies. It's not in a 4.0 GPA or a wanting this season to be over already, but it's in the God who will never leave you or forsake you. Even in the middle of a Ben & Jerry's breakdown because you just "can't even".
He is constant. He is forever. And He is rooting for you.
Don't let that focus be taken away, because when it's all said and done He is what has been forever consistent. And He is who you have to answer to, and the answer of, "Well, I was going to start doing my morning devotions but I was just so exhausted... I needed to study for this class... I needed to [insert something else more appealing here]" isn't going to do. After all, Jesus didn't opt out of dying on the cross for us because He was just "too stressed out and needed a break" (ya know, that part in Luke 22 where Jesus sweat blood). And He didn't die on the cross for us to forget the price He paid just because school is hard.
Lord, let me be a reflection of who You are and the devotion that You have showed me that I didn't deserve. But You, oh Lord, deserve all my devotion. Even in the midst of a crazy semester and weekly prayers that there will be a rapture.

Look Like Love - Britt Nicole
Proverbs 16:3
"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans."


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