I'm not Waiting for my Prince Charming

Wedding, after wedding, after wedding.

It seems as though the more weddings that are occurring, the more the people I love are trying to marry me off. Everyone seems to know my "mister right" and know a "mister right" for me. Everyone "knows the perfect guy for me" and just "wants to see me happy". It's flattering, it really is. But, if we're honest, it's also frustrating.

I have reached a season where I love singleness. But, singleness is made so much harder when people talk about "when you're married". Because that's when I find myself pinning wedding rings, dresses and budgets. That's when I find myself moping as I get ready for bed. That's when I find myself thinking about the future instead of enjoying the here and now. That's when I find myself asking God "Where is my prince charming?!" instead of asking "God, how do You want to use me right now?"

I am standing in the midst of contentment of singleness for the first time in my life. I love this stage of my life. I love being able to pour my all into my ministry and being able to spend a summer serving wholeheartedly. I love being able to travel with friends and spontaneous trips. I love being able to base my love for my Savior off of my Savior Himself and not out of the obligation of being a "good girlfriend". And most of all... I love sleeping in the middle of my bed and not having to share! Singleness is just as beautiful as a relationship or marriage. You're handing your heart over to Him and trusting Him with it for however long He deems.

That's that: I'm not waiting for my prince charming. Waiting means that I am at a standstill. But I'm not at a standstill, I am constantly being changed and refined by God. I am constantly pursing Him. The only one I am waiting on is God and God alone. I am waiting, expectantly on Him to answer my prayers in His will and His way (Psalm 5:3).

I don't need someone to "make me complete" because with Christ's blood I have reached fullness. Through His grace and mercy I am complete. God is the ice cream and cherry on top, the guy is just the sprinkles; optional and not given on every ice cream. But guess what, it's just as sweet without it.

So I'm going to say this is the most loving way possible... stop. I love you, but I need you to come along side me. I need you to pray for my future husband, if I'm meant to get married. And if not, pray that I will serve God with all I have in my singleness. Not everyone is going to get married and have babies, and that's okay. So change pressing to praying.  Praying that God will send the right one my way in His perfect timing if that's what He has planned and praying that God will be enough until that moment and forevermore after.

Jeremiah 29:11-13
" For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.'"


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