The Walking Dead

Heroin, a hot topic and a deadly addiction. Currently in Ohio we are at a record high at overdoses. In 2015 every two hours and 52 minutes someone died of an overdose claiming the lives of 3,050 people that year. There were 46 overdoses in Cuyahoga county alone in one month (January 2017). Yes, one month.

I couldn't get all the stats for global America, nor did I want to bore you with my secret love for numbers and statistics, but it's not just Ohio that is dealing with this. All across America people are overdosing in their cars with children inside, in food chains, on the side of the road, in their living rooms and many other places. Some are given Narcan and live, and some don't get to see another day. This is a sad reality that we need to face.

A little over a week ago another girl I went to school with overdosed. My heart shattered in that moment. We are both in our early twenties and out of high school for under three years. I think that's when it really hit home that the devil has no age limit. Notice how in 1 Peter 5:8 it says, "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." And not, "Be alert and of sober mind if you're older than 35. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour that doesn't have dreams, a family, a good paying job or is young." The devil has no mercy and takes no mercy, but do we?


But do we...?

Do we have the mercy to tell them the truth of who He is?

People are dying at an overwhelming rate and we are standing by in silence because we fear rejection more than where they spend their eternity.

Believers, do we not sense the urgency? Let me repeat that: Do we not sense the urgency? People are going before God daily -- and with this heroin epidemic, at an alarming rate -- to be told "Depart from me, for I never knew you." They, from God's presence, are sent into a lake of fire where they will live in pain and anguish for all of eternity. They find out that getting that cross tattoo and attending church doesn't save them, but that people they saw daily knew what did. They are finding out that their decision can not be made once they stand before a perfect God, because they never accepted Jesus as their sacrifice to pay for their sins. Does this not scare you? Please say it does.


Please, please say it does.

So if it does then why are we not taking heed to Romans 1:16, Acts 28:31, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 or Matthew 10:33? More than ever we need to stand firm in our faith, proclaim His name boldly and pray continually.

As you read this blog there is a person who is trying heroin for their first time, and someone who is trying it for their last. What made them want it? The feeling of euphoria or the need to fill this hole that was only meant to fit God? We can't save every life, but we can make an impact on their eternity. They are not a lost cause and no one is too far for Christ.


We need to start seeing our God as bigger than this drug, and we need to start talking about Him like we know He is.

Carried to the Table - Leeland

John 3:16-17
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him."


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