When Christmas Hurts


Photo: Hunter Jane Photography
It's the most wonderful time of the year...

This Christmas song is often played in the supermarket, retail stores, and every station at least 100x a day for all of December. Yet, the reality for many is that Christmas is the most painful time of the year. It's the time of year when the reality of family, or lack thereof, comes to the forefront -- a reality many can avoid dwelling on for the other 364 days of the year. While many are falling in love, others are trying their best to not fall apart.

Since moving, I have been able to avoid unnecessary familial pain by 500 miles, yet last night the sadness hit. I found myself broken by a hurt I braced myself for, yet it still caught me off guard after 26 years of this moment on repeat. But God... being rich in mercy wrapped His arms around me in that moment and said, "oh, my child, this is why I sent my Son" 

The reality is that this is the whole reason Jesus was sent, because we live in a broken world and God wants to reconcile us back to perfection with Him. Jesus was sent to die so that we can be reconciled with the One who loves us beyond anything that we could ever hope or imagine. The One who sees us fully and still chooses us. Now, this doesn't make the hurt non-existent, but it makes eternity that much sweeter, because one day we will be walking in perfection with Christ because of the very thing that we celebrate today. 

Praise Jesus! 

My dear reader, today we celebrate a King that was born humbly in a manger to die humbly on the cross for you. Jesus understood pain and sadness (John 11:33-36; Luke 19:41; Hebrews 5:7). Jesus felt betrayal (Matthew 26:21-25; 47-50; Mark 14:43-46; John 18:3-9). Jesus was fully man, that means that Jesus felt fully. 

I don't know what hurts you may be battling this Christmas, but I do know the One who can heal all hurts, the One who was sent for us -- for you. Know that I am praying for you today whether it's a day of great rejoicing or great sadness. 

I am praying that this Christmas you understand the heart of God more clearly. 

I am praying for you to feel the love of Christ so tangibly.

And, I am praying that if you are far from Him today -- or if you don't have a relationship with Him -- that this day, this blog, will draw you to His throne.

Merry Christmas, you are loved.


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